- Panduan Akademik UUM CAS 2015/2016 (zip)
- Borang Permohonan Mendapatkan Maklumat Kajian/Temu duga Syarikat (doc)
- Application to Discontinue from Study (doc)
- Application for Deferment of Study (doc)
- Borang Permohonan Pertukaran Mod Pengajian (doc)
- Permohonan Tarik Diri (doc)
- Permohonan Penangguhan Pengajian (doc)
- Permohonan Pemindahan Kredit (doc)
- Borang Pembetulan Biodata Pelajar (doc)
- Submission of Proposal
- Proposal Examination Report
- Request to Extend Defence of Proposal
- Intent to Submit Graduate Thesis
- Thesis Submission
- Certification of Thesis/Dissertation
- Notification of Thesis Status
- Endorsement of Thesis Correction (Supervisor)
- Thesis Correction (Supervisor)
- Thesis Correction Report (Examiner)
- Viva Results
- Thesis Examination Report
- Submission of Draft Thesis
- Application for Change of Thesis Supervisor 2
- Nomination of Additional Supervisor
- PLI-01 Project Paper Form (SCCZ6996)
- PLI-02 Research Paper Form (SMJZ69912)
- PLI-02 Research Paper Form (SMMZ69912)