" To be acclaimed as a premier management - oriented centre of excellence and reference in Multimedia Technology and Communication"
To become a premier center that:
- Develops competent and proficient human capitals.
- Generates research, innovative development, and policies
in the fields of Multimedia Technology and Communication.
inform, improve, inspire
- To guide potential graduates to be authoritative in their fields of expertise centred on the fundamental values of a civil society.
- To produce high quality graduates who are capable of solving problems in the fields of applied science, physical science, humanities, social science and education in the context of management.
- To produce knowledgeable graduates who are capable of making decisions based on scientific principles, and who strive to promote professional excellence in their fields of study.
- To train graduates in various technical skills so as to prepare them for professional careers.
- To produce graduates who are knowledgeable, capable of analytical thinking and who possess leadership traits, a positive attitude, self-confidence, and ethical values together with the ability to play strategic roles in an era of rapid development within the context of a fast changing world.
- To generate research, publication and high quality work with are recognised by experts in the field and at the same time applicable to contemporary firms or organizations..
- To provide advisory, training and consultancy services to society as well as solutions in the relevant fields particularly to local organizations.
- To produce graduates with sufficient integrated knowledge encompassing the fields of applied science, and physical science, humanities, social sciences and education.
- To establish professional relationships and collaborations with the private and public sectors so as to develop expertise in the relevant fields of knowledge.
- To produce graduates who will become experts in the career of their choice.
Toward realising the University’s vision to be a Management University of world-class standing, and in line with its motto “SCHOLARSHIP, VIRTUE, SERVICE”, and with God Almighty’s blessing, we hereby pledge with complete resolve and commitment, to honour our clients’ rights as follows:
To the Students
- To provide education, facilities, and the best management system based on the established standards.
To the Staff
- To provide students who are capable.
- To provide the best facilities to aid work procedures; and
- To give appropriate incentives and opportunities to expand knowledge with justice for staff development and progress.
To the Nation
- To provide potential human resource to meet the nation’s needs.
- To provide training, research, and consultancy services to promote the growth and development of knowledge.